Facing Jerusalem

Facing Jerusalem

Friday, April 8, 2011

Leaving the Box Behind

     There is a worldwide movement in Christianity that is raising  eyebrows in mainstream circles.  Circle Believers  view the movement with suspicion because it re-examines  long-held Biblical teachings.  The Movement  “rocks the boat” of traditional Christianity.  However, the Movement people are so committed to the authority of God’s Word – even to the point of rethinking deep seated beliefs, and traditions.   In our persistent quest for Biblical accuracy, we are willing to explore unfamiliar ideas, and allow our  theological viewpoints to be challenged..   I am speaking, of course, of the worldwide Messianic Movement which is drawing in Christians and Jews from every walk of life and every nation.  A few traditionalists suspicious of this movement are beginning to actually call it a cult!  However, when did a cult explode spontaneously and simultaneously around the world, especially with no central leadership -  nobody at the helm?  People who prefer the comfort of the  box  always  condemn those willing to venture outside the box. 19th Century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said it well - 
      “All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. 
Second, it is violently opposed. 
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
     Moses predicted a time of restoration when He said to the Israelites that  “ the Lord your God will gather you again from all the peoples … and  bring you into the land that your fathers possessed. ”  (Deut. 30:3-5)  Fulfillment ---- In the late 1880’s, The Jews began to return to their ancient homeland. By the middle of the 20th century, the United Nations declared the  modern state of Israel a nation, thus fulfilling the ancient prophecies of return and possession.   Moses had also predicted a return to Torah“And you will again obey the voice of the LORD and do all His commandments “.( Deut. 30:8).  In fact, the prophesied return to the Land of Israel and to Torah is a recurrent theme in the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and all the other prophets.        Thousands of Jews return to Israel every year, and thousands return to Torah as well.  They long to find   “ the ancient paths”.  This is called  Teshuvah (tay-SHOO-va) , a Hebrew word meaning “return” and it also carries with it the concept of repentance.   A dramatic reality in all of this is the astounding numbers (tens of thousands)  of Jews making Teshuvah who are then accepting  Jesus (Yeshua) as the Messiah.  Even high-ranking rabbis are doing so, though sometimes they keep it a secret so that they will not be condemned by non-Messianic  Jews. 
     The other side of this Messianic movement is the huge numbers of Christians who are turning back to the Hebraic roots of Christianity and to the Torah.  Entire Gentile churches now encourage  observance of God's 7th day Sabbath  and Biblical feasts commanded by God (which do not include Christmas and Easter, by the way, since these are not God-commanded  Holy days).  It is not unusual to see churches of thousands of members no longer celebrate  Easter morning Sunrise Service, but rather encourage Passover celebrations in their worship gatherings and small groups.   
     Jews coming to Yeshua Messiah, and Christians keeping Shabbat and the Feasts, --- I submit this is  a move of God in these last days as He prepares the  Bride for the return of the Bridegroom.    Recently as I took  Judaism  and Hebrew classes at a local Synagogue, it was interesting to note that of the twenty people in the class, only 3 claimed to be Jewish – the others were Gentile Christians, obeying  the call of God to return to the ancient paths.   Even Orthodox Rabbis worldwide are reporting  large numbers of Gentile Christians worshipping and requesting classes which many Synagogues now offer to Christians  who are answering the Call  to discover and study their  Hebraic roots.
     Is this a cult?  An evangelical fad? ---- Or the fulfillment of prophecy made over three thousand years ago?   “The Lord your God will gather you” ( Moses to the Jews, Deut. Chapter 30.)  "I have other sheep; and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one Shepherd.”  (Yeshua Messiah  to the Jews, speaking of  the Gentiles, John 10:16.)
     “Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand by the roads, and ask for the ancient paths,where the good way is; and walk in it.’”  (Jeremiah 6:16.)