(the Hebrew for Old Testament is Tanakh [ta-NOK]). When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, He revealed His true Name to Moses-- when Moses said "what shall I say Your Name is?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" (Exodus 3:14) In speaking that Name in Hebrew, we say YaHWeH (YAW-way) which is commonly written YHWH or YHVH, since there are no vowels in the Hebrew alphabet. In Hebrew, which is read right to left, YaHWeH is seen above .
Genesis 1:27 says that man was created in Yahweh's image. When we spell the Name of YHWH vertically you see the Name in gold to the right . The verticle Name of God looks like a human image

Now here is what I call "Beautiful Mystery #1": The original messages of the Paleo Hebrew letters before they were 'modernized' -

Yahweh's Name is spelled and means:
YOD --- the original Hebrew pictograph of this letter was HAND
HEY --- the original Hebrew pictograph of this letter was BEHOLD
VAV --- the original Hebrew pictograph of this letter was NAIL or NAILED.
HEY --- again, the pictograph was BEHOLD
The Name of God (YaHWeH) as written in early Hebrew could then be pronounced "Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail" or "Behold the nail-pierced hand". The Name of God written in early Hebrew can be seen in black, to the right.
Which leads us to "Beautiful Mystery #2" -
The sign that was placed above the cross of Jesus: "And they

put up over His head the accusation written against Him" (Matthew 27:37). The sign would have read thus: "Yeshua HaNatzerat VaMalech HaYehudim", or "Yeshua of Nazareth, King of the Jews". The first letter of each of these four Hebrew words is
YOD -- Y - eshua,
HEY -- H- aNatserat
VAV -- V- aMealech
HEY -- H-aYehudim
The Name of God (YHWH) and the acrostic of the accusation against Jesus are the same = YOD,HEY,VAV,HEY - YHWH .
The accusation against Yeshua the Messiah actually spells out the Name of YHWH, YaHWeH, the Name given to Moses at the burning bush.
Is it then fair to say that the Messiah was tortured and murdered just because He was God (YHWH)? The Ancient Enemy, the devil, manipulated the people to literally dispense with God, and the knowledge of Him, from their midst. The Enemy is still working on that hellish project today, isn't he? .....Shalom.