Facing Jerusalem

Facing Jerusalem

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The profound meaning of the word Torah.

I am saved by God's grace. I cannot earn my salvation. However, the Torah(the Old Testament Law) is God's guidelines for holy living. Observing the Torah does not save me, but helps me to know how to please and honor the One I love. To make it clear, being Torah Observant is not a means to salvation or an attempt to work my way to Heaven. The Messiah has already paid the price for my sins and made it possible for me to go to Heaven. Having said that, I would like to share with you a discovery that thrilled me:

Hebrew is read from right to left. Modern Hebrew looks a little different than ancient or Paleo Hebrew. The original Hebrew written during the time of Moses would have been the Paleo Hebrew. The word "Torah" in ancient Hebrew is the graphic you see below. Here we have the Hebrew letters tav, vav, resh, and hey. Reading right to left they are a cross, meaning to seal or covenant. Then a peg or nail, meaning to secure. The second letter from the left is a head, meaning a person, then the first letter on the left is a person with hands raised which means to behold, or it can also mean what comes from. When these symbols are combined, the ancient Hebrew word for Torah is quite profound: "behold the man who secures the covenant." It can also be read as "what comes from the man nailed to the cross." Think the Torah has no relevance for Christians today?